Co-Curricular Activities
Co-curricular activities take what students are learning in the classroom and builds upon that through talent shows, performances, competitions, clubs and additional classroom work. Examples of our co-curricular activities include:
- Vocal music
- Bharatanatayam
- Musical Instruments - Guitar, tabla, keyboard
- Creative Arts - Home decor, Ceramics
- Language learning (Hindi, Mandarin, Japanese)
- Hobby Clubs - Science, IT, Math etc.
These clubs and activities encourage our students to delve deeper into activities and subject areas that they are passionate about. Across all the innovation, extra-curricular, or co-curricular activities, our primary goal is to incite passion and provide a fun way for students to discover and embrace the spirit of relentless learning, inside as well as outside the classroom, so they can identify with different interests, passions and personalities.