Rules & Regulations

The Management reserves to itself the right of adimission

1. The school year begins in April. There are two terms, the first from April to September, the second from October to March

2. Fees are payable for twelve calendar months in the year. Fees may be increased at the discretion of the School Fees committee.

Defaulters are liable to be fined. Anywhere arrears are involved, the student could be suspended till all dues are paid. If fees are not by the time the next bi-monthly charge is made, the student’s name will be struck off the rolls, unless a reasonable explanation is given in writing. If re-admission is granted, a re-admission fee of Rs. 1500/- (One thousand five hundred only) must be paid in additional to the dues and fine for late payment. Receipts must be demanded whenever money is paid.


  1. Students reaching late to school will no allowed to enter in school.
  2. In case of late coming prier application is required sanchoned by Principal.
  3. For any absence in school prier permission from the principal is required.
  4. Personal cleanliness and hygiene are required.
  5. Students must move in a silence whenever move in a corridors.
  6. Only required books should be carried by children.
  7. Students are not allowed to bring any valuable items to school.
  8. It is Mandatory to part in each and every co- curricular activities as and when they are asked to do so.
  9. In school campus students must speak in English.
  10. Name must be written on books. Tiffin box, water bottles. School is not responsible for them that get cost.
  11. The student must not wear any Ornament and Jewellery in the school.


Students will not be permitted to avail of a long leave of absence during school days. If a childs ill, the class teacher should be informed of the cause of absence. If a child needs to avail of leave due to any exigency, a leave application should be submitted to the Principal, clearly stating the reason for the leave of absence.

A fine of Rs. 100/- per day will be levied for students missing school immediately prior to or after long holiday / vacation.


  • Pupils should be punctual and regular.
  • Any pupil indulging in malpractice during examination will get a zero for the particular paper and will be debarred for the remaining papers of that particular sitting or will be dismissed.
  • Strict regularity, implicit obedience, politeness and courtesy in speech conduct are rigidly insisted upon. Objectionable conduct, whether in or out of school, is punishable with expulsion.
  • All instructions issued from time to time should be carefully followed and obeyed.
  • Students found consuming alcohol or smoking within or outside the campus will face strict disciplinary action or expulsion.


  1. It is compulsory for students to wear the full school uniform when attending school.
  2. Pupils must look after their belongings. The school cannot make itself responsible for the loss of books, money, clothes and other articles. The school takes all precautions to safeguard each child’s property. It is not advisable for pupils to have money or valuable articles with them. Students must not wear jewellery.